Ask any parent about the ins and outs of keeping a baby or young toddler clean as a pin and you’re sure to be met with a few horror stories. Little one’s are absolute champions at keeping us on our toes when it comes to cleanliness.

Keeping them in mint condition for any longer than a few minutes isn’t simply a full-time job, it’s a test of parental resilience, patience and character. Not only do mom and dad need a strong stomach, they also need a sense of humour.

So here, dear well-meaning parents, are 3 very, very, very good reasons why you should always consider using Pura Health Baby Wet Wipes to give you the edge in caring for your ever-so-sweet, but ever-so-messy little family.


Watching a toddler as she starts learning to feed herself must truly be one of the cuter sights on the planet. These are moments of great excitement and encouragement. First, little Tina smashes her plate with her spoon using great vigour to send mashed butternut onto her bib and across her forehead. She blinks in slight confusion and then roars with laughter.

Moments later, she miraculously succeeds in scooping some squashy peas onto her spoon. She raises said spoon and well, feeds her nose.

It’s a joyous moment for all concerned. 10 minutes later, little Tina’s face is a multi-coloured mess of various veggies. That’s where Pura Health Baby Wet Wipes come to the rescue. As we all know, neither Tina nor her friends are ever in favour of having their faces cleaned.

Face-cleaning moments mean a lot of kicking and protesting. But Pura Health Baby Wet Wipes are soft and gentle on the skin, removing that icky-sticky mess quickly and easily. Heaven sent – that’s what they are.


Every dad knows that moment. It’s when he looks over at young Robert who is staring intently into the distance with a slight frown on his face. The frown intensifies and little Robert’s face begins to turn a deepish shade of red.

So, in a flash, dad jumps up and heads at speed for the door in an effort to mow the lawn. But as he reaches the door, dad is cornered by mom who simply says: ‘it’s your turn.’ And so, the nappy change begins with dad protesting in vain throughout the entire traumatic ordeal. But not so when you reach for your Pura Health Baby Wet Wipes.

That’s because they’re made to be kind to every baby’s bottom. Cool to the touch and super absorbent, they clean and sanitize perfectly, leaving Robert feeling remarkably good about himself and the world around him. They’re easy to use, easy to dispose of, and easy on dad. No more lawn mowing for the third time today!


It’s Saturday morning. Tina and Robert get together for a playdate in the garden. More excitement! And the opportunity to introduce themselves to a few earthworms, while enjoying a snack or two in the sandpit, all washed down with a juice.

Now in theory, this all sounds quite romantic and fun. But in reality, it’s going to wear mom down to the point where she’ll need an afternoon nap (and even that’s by no means guaranteed). As the second marshmallow sticks to Robert’s hand, Tina tries to dive-bomb the cat, landing squarely on her nose at the edge of the compost heap.

You can’t make this stuff up. But like a true hero, dad rushes to the car for the emergency box of Pura Health Baby Wet Wipes. He's always been a practical, hands-on, thinking man and today he’s outdoing himself.

Dad fully recognizes that with the help of Pura Health Baby Wet Wipes, every playdate can indeed end in whoops of joy by parents. They go to work immediately, cleaning, sanitizing, and combating germs on sticky fingers, runny noses, sneezy mouths and more.

There’s no user manual on how to be the perfect parent. So much of it can sometimes be trial and error. But parents, give yourself a fighting chance by giving your precious children the very best, most comfortable, dermatologically tested and hygienic cleaning experience possible.

Pura Health Baby Wet Wipes will offer you exactly that – and your growing baby and toddler will love you all the more for it. Our wipes are soft, gentle and kind to even the most sensitive of skins, even where uncomfortable rashes are present.

Make sure Pura Health Baby Wet Wipes are an integral part of your everyday baby and toddler skincare regime.
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