At Pura Health, we understand that most of us are lucky enough to live carefree, active lifestyles in the great, big, wide South African outdoors. We’re adventure seekers, hiking, cycling, riding, kicking balls, swinging bats and going to the gym. We literally pride ourselves in getting sweaty while loving every moment of it. Once we’re done, it’s back home for a shower and a good, old-fashioned scrub down. That’s because even though we play hard, we understand that good hygiene and a clean body is important. By staying clean we combat germs, fight bacteria and help our immune systems fight off infectious agents.

But let’s take a moment to hang up our towels and think about those who aren’t able to simply jump into a long, languishing bath. Some of our family members or friends may be suffering from advanced age, severe and chronic illness, or permanent or temporary injury, hampering their movement significantly. In these instances, being bed-bound or unable to move freely can cause significant difficulties when it comes to maintaining personal hygiene care. And as we all know, germs aren’t in the business of distinguishing between whether you’re exerting yourself running up a hill or lying on your back with your leg in a plaster cast for 6 weeks. Rather, they specialise in spreading themselves as far and wide as bacterially possible. In fact, they’re very good at it, getting out of the starting blocks in record time to sprint across your body, causing unpleasant irritations like itchiness, rashes and the like.

The good news of course is that highly effective products like Pura Health Adult Washcloths are readily available for individuals experiencing movement vulnerabilities, frailties and impairments. Pura Health Adult Washcloths are innovatively designed to be soft and gentle on the skin, wiping away rash-causing bacteria and irritants while cleansing pores efficiently.

While the regular use of conventional soaps can sometimes lead to dry and flaky skin, Pura Health Adult Washcloths offer the benefit of actually helping to keep the skin hydrated and fresh. This is particularly important in ensuring soft, smooth skin that’s maintained in a state of rejuvenation and therefore less sensitive to irritants.
Now let’s take this a step further. Regular proper cleansing and bodily hygiene isn’t simply beneficial to our physical selves. It’s also excellent for our mental health and state of mind. A clean, fresh body brings a sense of internal calm, reducing stress and anxiety while providing increased confidence and feelings of positivity. A good wash invigorates us, lifts our mood and promotes greater joy and happiness, improving our personal well-being – especially amongst the frailer and those experiencing longer-term movement difficulties.

When it comes to nodding off for a good 8 hours or so of peaceful sleep, a caring pre-bedtime cleanse with alcohol free and fragrance-free Pura Health Adult Washcloths is also going to be in the best interests of some very sweet dreams. Can there actually be anything more reassuring and comforting than a deliciously cool, clean body that’s wonderfully sanitized as you head for dreamland? A trip to la-la land never feels better! Oh, the joy of it all!

When caring for someone who is movement impaired, it’s also vitally important to exercise patience and caution when washing and cleansing them. They may be more sensitive or in more pain than you realise. Proceed cautiously, slowly and gently. Speak to them constantly so that you’re fully aware at all times of any discomfort they may be experiencing. Then wash and wipe carefully with Pura Health Adult Washcloths to bring soothing, cleansing relief. Also remember that in certain instances, whoever you’re caring for may want to wash themselves in certain situations or areas for increased privacy and confidence. Respect this but be supportive and readily available should they need your assistance.

So whether you’re caring for yourself, your nearest and dearest, or lending a helping hand to someone in need, why not try environmentally friendly Pura Health Adult Washcloths – they’re perfect as a quick, easy, convenient and affordable daily bathe, morning, noon and night.

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